Are you a competitive hacker?


A little while ago, i asked you guys via twitter if you are a competitive person. A lot of you guys gave me some amazing answers and i wanted to turn my inspiration into a video for you all to enjoy.

One of the things i noticed is that everyone has a different view on this topic, though some people have some common points to their view and these are the ones i would like to share with you.

The Three types of people

I have noticed three big lines of thought, of which i will go over each of these and give you my view.

Some background about me ... i am a very non competitive person. I am more of a cooperation person but i also see where the difficulties lie in that and i realise we do not live in a utopia. My characteristics seem to be shared by many of you and that brings me great joy. It shows me that the world is open to work together and i hope i can provide an environment for you all to grow in in the form of a discord channel in the description below.

A different kind of person i encountered seemed to be more competitive. The majority of this group seemed to mostly competitive against themselves which really surprised me... but it also did not. I immediately recognised parts of myself in that answer. As a perfectionist, which i think many of you share as a character trait, i am often trying to be better than i was yesterday just like so many of you. We are performing at a TOP level guys, do not forget to be proud of yourself.

The last type of person I encountered seemed to be more passive. And now the real kicker... i also recognize myself in that. It may seem like a negative trait but if i drill down into the motivations of these people it’s not that they do not actively try to engage. It’s that they engage to help others grow.

This is an inherent beauty that i hope i can imprint on each and every one of your amazing hackers. I hope that you can learn from one another and that we can all use this as inspiration, as fuel for the fire inside of us to burn bright my friends. You should be competitive. You should be passive and compassionate and you should always strive to be one step ahead of yesterday. This is what keeps us young.

Thank you all for watching this far. Thank you for everything, i am excited beyond the moon for the fact that i found my home in a community that i have looked up to ever since i was a kid. Today is a good day and tomorrow will be even better. Go and shine bright, you amazing hackers. You are all stars in my humble opinion.
